Street Crimes In Karachi

Karachi, the heart of Pakistan , the place where people come from the other cities to avail jobs. This city is really in great trouble and in lots of difficulties. Although its a big city of Pakistan but its ignored always especially in the law and order situations.

                                                                  Many problems are there which Karachities are facing on daily basis . Among all the most prominent are Street Crimes which are spreading day by day very rapidly for so many days but due to the worst conditions of Law and order, still this crime is committed very frequently. 
                                                                 The conditions are like this that people are even become scared if they see two person on bike. The snatchers come very quickly snatch all things and go away but no one is there to grab them, no law is there to give punishments. Now a days the streets or the main roads whatever they are, they are not safe from the snatchers. 

                                                                   We cannot claim that this area is safe from snatchers or that area is safe because everywhere people are becoming victims. As we can see that so called Rangers is standing somewhere or police is patrolling in some areas but can a police or ranger mobiles placed in every street of Karachi ? 
                                                                   People of Karachi know that law cannot protect them so they placed barriers in their streets to be safe from snatchers and to be relaxed but two years back the rangers came in karachi and they ripped off all the barriers .. i really what was the logic behind that to safe people or to give opertunities to the the snatchers ? Although we know that after Rangers Karachi has become in peace but what is the answer of this question? is this possible that in every street they can place a rangers mobile there ? Obviously NO. Then what was the reason that they got out all the barriers because after that people became very unsafe. 

                                                                  Not only Cell phones or wallets the bikes are also snatched in streets and the people are unsafe. I ask to the government what are rangers and police doing ? or we should understand that they are providing helping hand to the snatchers. They have also any share in all these matters because we are unsafe in our city. These incidents are happening daily or even if someone resist than he can loss his life every easily because in Karachi people are not earning by the hardworking for themselves, it seems that they are earning for the snatchers and still our so called government and Law and order agencies are totally failed to stop these crimes. 
                                                                   There is a big happiest occasion for all these snatchers and that is the traffic jam and in Karachi this is very common. Where there is any traffic jam they are the key source for snatchers . They snatch peoples' cell phones and wallets etc and run away and its their practice. They daily commit that on he same place but no law is there, no police is there, no rangers is there to safe people then what are their duties? What are they performing? For what are they paid through our taxes? 

                                                                  If a person coming from bank he is not safe, ATMs are not safe, in the traffic people are not safe and in the streets same conditions. I remembered some years before people used to burn and hit the snatchers if they caught them but then the law makers stated that its a very big crime to do like this with anyone, this is our duty, give that robber to us. I ask to those to snatch some one is not a crime ? to kill someone against a small mobile,that is not a crime? actually this is our problem we always safe the robbers whether they are big or small .
                                                                Without any fear of law makers i openly say that these all institutions are providing helping hands to all robbers and snatchers that is why they are easily and frequently committing these crimes and unfortunately these crimes are not decreasing, they are increasing day by day and nobody is safe in Karachi.                                  

                                                                 In the end of our speeches or blogs we just write or say hope for the best but I will not say here that lets hope for the best against the street crimes.  I say lets hope for the best for our law and order situations which are hopeless and there is no hope for their betterment. 


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