Trees and plants are the vital source for keep nature pure,clean and beautiful. greenery is precious gift of ALLAH to keep life healthy.Trees breath in carbondioxide and breathout oxygen.Trees create oxygen through a process called photosynthesis, so how much we cut plants we reduce our source of life! Not only that plants are also removes carbondioxide from air.plants also purifiy the planets water.Pants and trees helps to make environment cool,because there is water under the surface,roots absorbed coolness of water and through out it from their leaves and provide cool and calm shadow. Plants are also using for medicinal purposes. Trees also absorb sounds and reduce noise pollution.They provide habitat for birds and wildlife animals.

"Planting trees is a sunnah of Holy Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) and its rewarded continues even after the death of the person who plant a tree"
We are suffering from environmental problems which have one and only necessary solution to save world from global warming and pollution just save and grow more and more plants.
                                                   Previous year approximately 1300 people killed by heavy heat stroke in karachi but the sad part is that still there is no change after this terrible incident. Still there is an increase in cutting trees and no efforts have seen yet for growing new trees by government.

Billboards make money and trees dont, so they are cutting trees freely and doing placement of billboards!!..According to Ronald deSouza of shehri, a non-governmental organisation work better and it is no surprise while talking about advertiment boards replacing trees in urban areas he said "Billboard make money,tree's don't"!
But there are also some people around us who don't have a roof but they have trees to cover their heads and to healing their bodies from heat!! And your billboard provide them shadow?

There are some small (non-govt.) Organisations,who drives for different campaigns of plantation in Karachi like Alamgir khan organisation FIX IT, MERA KARACHI and WWF Pakistan now with the collaboration with K-ElECTRICS has launched a tree plantation campaign,they works unitedly together for convert Karachi In greener.

"If a tree dies,plant another in its place"-Carl Linnaeus

In the end i want to say that we can't depend on government anymore because they are very busy in corrupt practices!! Govt. Can do just promises by sitting in their air condition rooms so help your self by your self to save our country from another terrible heat stroke.we need to save our lifes by doing some thing on our levels.Not every where but atlest we all can do plantation on our residential areas, in our schools,colleges,universities,working places and at the possible places for us. We all have need to follow the rule SAVE A TREE, PLANT A TREE for save our environment, nature and life's!!

Written by: Mehak Saeed( MA PREVIOUS)


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