An Angel On Earth

A Human With Heart

It was January 1st 1928 when a baby born in India. A child who always followed his mother's teaching that always spend 1 paisa for u and 1 for any needy person. The child kept this thing in mind and started doing this always. Then this boy came to Pakistan but he didn't forget to spend his money on others. He had a pain for everyone in his heart and due to this reason he established a dispensary for the people who couldnt afford the expensive treatments or medicines. 
                                                                                      Yes that great man was Abdul Sattar Edhi who never thought for himself, whenever he thought, he thought about others.Whenever he did something, he did for others. What was the inner feeling in his heart ? What pleasure he got by helping others ? i think we, the heartless people can't understand it.  

                                                                                     Abdul Sattar Edhi founded a foundation which he named 'Edhi Foundation' . Edhi's ambulances have the biggest network in the world as they got an Award on this. There are a lot of projects which belong to Edhi. Many orphanages are working throughout Pakistan which are the shelter for the children. There are many nursing homes, old age homes,clinics etc are working for the mankind. He started collect donations but as like all Pakistanis, he didn't spend a single penny on himself, he spend all on others. 

                                                                                    He was an angel on Earth. If he was like our politicians, he could established foreign accounts or big castles by the donations he collected but he always lived in a small flat till his last breathe. He had only two pairs of clothes and a pair of shoes at a time which he was using almost about 20 days. He never got any profit from his welfares. Even he used to sleep outside of his dispensary to help the needy people on time.

                                         Its a incident explained by a man that it was around three to four mid-night and the man was in search of an injection, he found it everywhere but didn't found it. Then he reached to Edhi welfare where he saw Edhi Sahab sleeping outside. He first thought not to awake him as he will got angry on him but afterwards he made him awake as he was in emergency. He asked for the injection and atonce Edhi Sahab went inside and came back after a few minutes with that injection, didn't demand for the money and gave it to him.

                                         Edhi Sahab always wanted to safe the peoples' lives and that was the reason that we could see him in every disaster took place any where in the world, Edhi Sahab was the only man who was present there with all his volunteers to serve the people. Not only he saved the human lives but also animals. He arranged a big place for animals also to do treatment or live there. 
                                          He was a saint who didn't do anything for his interests. He never thought that to whom he is serving is he shiyya, sunni, wahabi, deobandi, barelvi, christian, hindu etc, he just got ready for the help. according to him " Our Religion is Humanity".

                                          He was the person who didn't forget his death that it has to come and for this reason he himself made his own grave and willed to bury in it. That was about 25 years ago when he made it. Edhi Sahab did a lot for mankind that we cannot list here. He was a noble man with no greed. 
Edhi Sahab Received a lot of awards not only in Pakistan but throughout the world. Some of them i want to write here like Four peace awards, Hamdan Award for volunteers, Silver Jubilee Shield, Pakistan Civic Award from the Pakistan civic Society and many more to list here.
                                             That was the Dark day in Pakistan History, the 8th of July 2016 when the great man died . At this time he was 88 years old. He was the father of thousands of orphans. Everyone was saying that now we have become orphan. That was the huge funeral in Pakistan's history where he was the only man who received Guard Of Honour. Every eye was full of tears and still nobody can fulfill the place of Edhi Sahab beacuse he was the only one, The only saint, The human with heart and an angel on Earth.

Written By..
Faiza Naqvi
M.A Previous


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